Fibromyalgia is a Puzzle! Do you remember the press release I shared with you about Dr. Sarkozi and his new book The Missing Pieces of the Fibromyalgia Puzzle? Well he is the guest speaker at my support group meeting tonight. I am very pleased to have been able to schedule him. Dr. Sarkozi is a rheumatologist specializing in the treatment of Fibromyalgia. His technique is a blend of traditional and complimentary treatment, which intends to promote effective self-managed wellness. I am looking forward to his presentation. I personally believe very strongly that our best health will not come … [Read more...]
Today I am the Tortoise, not the Hare
Do you ever feel like you have bitten off more than you can chew? Man I have a lot going on right now - a lot of good things going on right now. I have teased in the past that I am working towards bigger and better things for FibroHaven. I want this to be more than just a blog where I come to relieve my tension, share my experiences, and hopefully educate and entertain you. I want this blog to be the foundation for a whole infrastructure of community, heath, and wellness, which we are all so hopefully pursuing. And I am working on it. To that end, I am finding that each day I have more … [Read more...]
Practice May Not Make Perfect, But it Can Make a Habit
Yesterday marked the halfway point of my 30 in 30 writing assignment. I began it as a way to bring more structure and discipline to my day and as a way to reconnect with my blog after neglecting it for much of the month of April. So far my assignment has reinforced my desire to write and my love of my blog, and I am right on track with what I was hoping to achieve. But I have recently become aware of a benefit of my assignment that I had not consciously intended. Friday I attended an introduction to meditation class at The Chopra Center. The instructor guided us through the history and … [Read more...]
Bloggers Unite for Fibromyalgia Awareness Day
Today I celebrated Fibromyalgia Awareness Day by attending a luncheon with members of my Fibromyalgia support group. As always, it was fun and restorative to spend the afternoon with others who understand. There is never a hesitation if someone stops speaking mid sentence because they lost their train of thought, or if you have to get up and walk around after sitting for 15 minutes. We understand and can laugh about the uglyness of Fibromyalgia, because when we are together we are not alone in our struggles. I started a discussion by asking how I could encourage some of our members who … [Read more...]
Current Psychiatry “Gets” Fibromyalgia
I read this article today in Current Psychiatry online magazine. It is a peer-reviewed magazine, meaning the articles are written for and to other psychiatrists. So reading it was kind of like listening in on their private conversation about Fibromyalgia - I didn't understand some of the technical terms used, but it was enlightening to read how the psychiatric world views Fibromyalgia and patients diagnosed with it. I have to say, I think they get it! At the very least the doctor who wrote the article does. Sharon B. Stanford, MD is the Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Family … [Read more...]