A good friend and very wise soul said to me the other day - "It's awesome that you've got such a love for yoga. Although I have to admit it seems a little sad for FibroHaven that it is no longer the light of your life...I think the two (yoga and FH) will mesh together eventually." It is true that my current journey in yoga teacher training school is keeping me from the work I began with FibroHaven. I write less here, I share less on facebook, and I am scheduling fewer in person meetings. But my love of FH has not faltered. The truth is, I am just doing what I frequently urge each of you … [Read more...]
Living With Intent
Today is Monday, January 3, 2011. It is the day millions of people around the world realize they have already failed at the resolutions they set for the new year. But failed is such a hard word when you consider the ridged and unrealistic expectations resolutions place upon us. Resolutions force us to look at what we don't like about ourselves, rather than honoring and nurturing the potential of what we can be. That is why, instead of living with resolve, I am choosing to live with intent. Intent: purpose: an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned … [Read more...]
With Love
My heart is joyfully heavy with the love I feel for everyone I have connected with through FibroHaven. From my local support group, to our online facebook community, and to those who I interact with privately - each of you are a true gift in my life. Thank you all for helping me make FibroHaven a place of hope and support. Thank you for inspiring me this past year, and for motivating me to make next year even better. You give me strength! Wishing lots of comfort, joy, and love to each of you this holiday season. Your light shines brightly. I know, because it is what guides me. … [Read more...]
Want to See My Vulnerable Side?
Last February I had the opportunity to hear a keynote address from motivational speaker and life coach Mike Robbins. Mike is a regular contributor to Oprah Magazine and Huffington Post, and has written two bestselling books, Focus on the Good Stuff, and Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken. His presentation was authentic and motivating, and pretty much everyone in the room left with copies of his books and a warm feeling in their heart. You know how it is in those moments when you get completely inspired - everything is brighter in that instant and you know your life is forever going … [Read more...]
You Don’t Have to Like it to Accept it
I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a new member of my local FibroHaven support group. Like so many who are learning to come to terms with their diagnosis, she is struggling with her current state of being. Repeatedly throughout our conversation she stated "I can't accept... (fill in the life changing aspect of chronic illness here)." Sitting before me was a former athlete and high-level executive who had the rewarding life she worked hard to create stripped away when she crashed with chronic illness. Everything she had once identified herself by is gone, and what is left is a … [Read more...]