Change is a constant. We all know that. So if change is constant, the only variable then is in our ability to adapt. I was watching the Amazing Race Sunday night. It really is an interesting study on human nature and the ability to adapt to constant change - to the unknown. It is remarkable how certain temperaments rise to the top as they excel at adapting to unknown situations, while others battle themselves and their own teammates while flailing wildly at the unknown. The ever important clue box is a great example of what I mean. Teams are given a general direction and told "that is … [Read more...]
Focusing on Fibromyalgia with the NFA
Last month I had the honor of hosting the first Fibro Focus event organized by the National Fibromyalgia Association and their sponsor Pfizer Inc. The event was open to the local North San Diego community, and was attended by more than 50 people, including members of FibroHaven support group. I was thrilled to get the opportunity to meet Lynne Matallana, founder of the NFA. We share a passion to support, educate, and raise Fibromyalgia awareness. I have looked to her example many times over the course of the last several months since beginning my blog and support group. Meeting her in person … [Read more...]
30 Things About Me & One About Facebook
FibroHaven on Facebook Last month I started a FibroHaven page on facebook. I have been promoting it quietly with a link on my sidebar, and with little fanfare we are already up to over 200 participants. It is meant to be a compliment to my blog and a quick way for me to share current articles and information. You do not need sign up on facebook to participate. Just click on this link to FibroHaven on facebook and join in on the conversation. If you are signed up on facebook, click on the "become a fan" button and the daily posts will feed automatically to your home page. I hope you enjoy this … [Read more...]
Perspective & Priorities
There is nothing like a Fibromyalgia flare to put things in perspective and to force me to prioritize! I have been feeling pretty awful lately. I can always count on the heat of summer to bring on several really bad flares, or just one continuous knock-me-on-my-butt-and-suck-my-joy-of-life kind of flare. This summer had been kind, mild even. And then last week happened. Wouldn't you know, it picked my birthday week to turn miserably hot. Blech! Perspective: Regardless of my enthusiasm for turning 40 and the promise of a brighter future, I still have a lot of work to do. I still have an active … [Read more...]
I Lost Control and Liked it!
Yesterday was FibroHaven's monthly roundtable meeting. The topic for the meeting was "Working With Fibromyalgia." The plan was to have a focused discussion and answer questions like: Are you able to work? Did you have to change careers? Do you work full-time or part-time? Are you self-employed? Do you work from home? Are you on disability? Can you work while on disability? Topics for a very interesting conversation, right? (In fact the latest edition of Fibromyalgia Aware Magazine is focused on this topic. If you are not already subscribed, I highly recommend you do and start … [Read more...]