How can we begin to heal if we do not understand why we are ill? Healing from chronic illness is so much more complicated than just treating the symptoms. Prescription meds may help us cope, but they do not correct the original imbalances that led to dis-ease. And with difficult-to-understand illnesses like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, it is not always possible to pinpoint just one specific cause. Often it is a series of causes like a traumatic event experienced while in the midsts of some other type of recurring life stressors. There are many different types of traumas that can … [Read more...]
Today I Celebrated My Toes!
Six days ago, over twenty members of FibroHaven's Facebook community began a 21 day meditation challenge. The Chopra Center is hosting the challenge, with the thought being, it takes roughly 21 days to develop a ritual. From davidji, Dean of The Chopra Center University: "Rituals are powerful behaviors. And when you combine ritual with meaning, amazing things happen – you get transformation. And transformation is a form of evolution. So by adding meditation into your daily set of rituals, it will effortlessly become a part of you." Each morning we wake up to a new guided meditation in … [Read more...]
Brain Connectivity in Fibromyalgia Associated With Chronic Pain Intensity
A new study published in the August issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism finds that Fibromyalgia patients have greater connectivity in regions of the brain known to process evoked pain. Researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) on 36 female subjects - 18 fibromyalgia patients and 18 healthy subjects - to obtain their newly published results: Our results clearly show that individuals with FM have greater connectivity between multiple brain networks and the insular cortex, which is a brain region previously linked with evoked pain processing and hyperexcitability in FM," … [Read more...]
Find the Space Between Pleasure and Pain, and Rest There
Recently a great conversation began on the FibroHaven Facebook page when I asked this: What do you do when you are having a relatively good day, but suddenly hit a wall? Do you push through, or do you slow down and give in to it? There is a BIG brick wall looming just ahead of me. Can't decide if I want to try and hurdle it or lay down before I smash my face into it! Let's discuss. I would love to know how you manage. There were many great responses that are worth taking the time to read. After reading them I knew I wanted to continue the conversation with a new blog post, and as often … [Read more...]
Learning to Be Mindful Through Meditation
Book Review and Giveaway Last May I challenged myself to a 30 day writing project. My thought being, it takes roughly 30 days to develop a habit, so for each day in May I wrote a blog post. It was a success on some levels, but I failed at making writing a daily habit. Writing is a form of meditation for me. I write more than what you see here on my blog. I do not always enjoy the process of writing, but I enjoy it most when I am singularly focused on it and my only purpose is on finishing my current sentence and thought. I love those moments when I am completely absorbed in the act of … [Read more...]