There is nothing like a Fibromyalgia flare to put things in perspective and to force me to prioritize! I have been feeling pretty awful lately. I can always count on the heat of summer to bring on several really bad flares, or just one continuous knock-me-on-my-butt-and-suck-my-joy-of-life kind of flare. This summer had been kind, mild even. And then last week happened. Wouldn't you know, it picked my birthday week to turn miserably hot. Blech! Perspective: Regardless of my enthusiasm for turning 40 and the promise of a brighter future, I still have a lot of work to do. I still have an active … [Read more...]
The Start of a New Decade
I turn forty this week. It is a milestone I am eager to embrace. I know, we women are supposed to fight aging with any means possible, but not me. Bring it on! I spent my twenties in a haze of parties and adventure. Oh the fun I had! I paid for that fun in my thirties. My thirties have been a decade of pain and frustration. After developing Fibromyalgia in my late twenties, I spent most of my thirties a slave to my symptoms. But that is all changing. It started with this blog, and all the research I do to stay informed and up to date. Knowledge is power I tell you. I am learning more and … [Read more...]
Guest Post: Health Care Rumors by Fibrochondriac
Today is a proud day for me. Today I get to introduce you to a new member of our Fibromyalgia blogging community, Kathy of Fibrochondriac (don't you just love that name?). But Kathy is not just any blogger to me. She is also a member of my local FibroHaven support group. I am so happy and proud to have another FibroHaven voice on the web. I have mentioned before, we are a resourceful bunch, so expect a lot of topical and useful information at Fibrochondriac. I could tell you that I appreciate how thoughtful and well-researched Kathy is, or I could tell you that she challenges me to think … [Read more...]
Follow up on Dr. Whitcomb & NRCT
So that happened! I intended to write this follow-up post on my experience with Dr. Whitcomb and his Neurologic Relief Centers Technique last Monday, but have been sidelined by a bad flare-up. Yes, I do attribute my flare to the workshop and testing technique, but even so, I intend to give you a fair account of the workshop, although as with everything on my blog, it will be full of my opinions. It may be a lot to follow, so I hope I have managed to present a readable review. The logistics of the day went like this: I was initially invited to the workshop by a local acupuncturist who I will … [Read more...]
No, You Are Not Seeing Double
If I am here, can I also be over there? Yes, I can! I am honored to say, I have been asked by Everyday to become their new featured Fibromyalgia blogger. It has been in the works for sometime, and I have been quietly posting for a few weeks now, but I have held off announcing it until their new blog software and redesign goes live. Unfortunately there have been delays, and since the link to my blog will remain the same, I have decided to go ahead and share my happy news with all of you. Fibromyalgia Health Haven is the name of my Everyday Health blog. I will be contributing an … [Read more...]