Twice on FibroHaven I have had the pleasure to share with you the wonderful resource Yoga for Fibromyalgia by Shoosh Crotzer. In Tips for Easing Fibromyalgia Pain Naturally, I shared an excerpt from Shoosh demonstrating her Healing Breath Technique, and then in Book Review: Yoga for Fibromyalgia, I shared with you her wonderful philosophy and structure for the book, and was pleased for the opportunity to partner with her publisher Rodmell Press in giving a copy away to one lucky commenter. And now I am happy to share that healthy living for women website,, has posted a great … [Read more...]
Brain Connectivity in Fibromyalgia Associated With Chronic Pain Intensity
A new study published in the August issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism finds that Fibromyalgia patients have greater connectivity in regions of the brain known to process evoked pain. Researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) on 36 female subjects - 18 fibromyalgia patients and 18 healthy subjects - to obtain their newly published results: Our results clearly show that individuals with FM have greater connectivity between multiple brain networks and the insular cortex, which is a brain region previously linked with evoked pain processing and hyperexcitability in FM," … [Read more...]
Get Fibromyalgia AWARE.
Are you AWARE of one of the best resources for Fibromyalgia information on the web? The National Fibromyalgia Association is the leading non-profit organization dedicated to improving quality of life for people with Fibromyalgia. Their website has been a great resource for me as an FM patient, advocate, and support group leader. The NFA is focused on creating programs dedicated to spreading Fibromyalgia Awareness, like the Fibro Focus events that took place last year, which my support group was fortunate to participate in. The NFA truly is the leading authority on Fibromyalgia, so when … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia Wellness Project is Looking for Participants
In June I shared with you the announcement of The Fibromyalgia Wellness Project, a study to see if Fibromyalgia sufferers can easily discover simple modifications in their patterns of daily living to markedly reduced their symptoms. It was delayed due to scheduling and resource issues, but on Friday I received the announcement that it is up and looking for participants. Dear Friends, I am pleased to announce that the Fibromyalgia Wellness Project is now up and running and ready to receive participants. This is a research project sponsored by the National Institute of Arthritis, … [Read more...]
September is a Great Month for Awareness
It is estimated that more than 30 million people suffer daily from chronic pain, and and even more from chronic invisible illnesses. Fibromyalgia patients make up a good portion of those suffering, and we should be as interactive as possible with the many activities scheduled this month designed to improve chronic pain and bring awareness to invisible illness. From The American Pain Foundation: September provides a unique opportunity to highlight the work organizations and individuals do all year to improve pain treatment, raise awareness, dispel tragic myths and spark much needed change in … [Read more...]