On a recent post, Conversation on Isolation, I promised I would put together a list of online resources for Fibromyalgia and chronic illness support and information. Below you will find many - but not nearly all - links to social networking online resources. Because I am not an active participant of each site listed I am only making comments on the sites I have firsthand knowledge of. Please feel free to add to this list in the comments, or leave your thoughts, feelings, experiences on any of the listed sites. Due to the amount of information available, I am breaking this information up into … [Read more...]
Secrets of My Soul
Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works. - Virginia Woolf I am taking a writing class. It is a six week, creative nonfiction class on personal essay. Here is a short description of personal essay from my class syllabus: In his introduction to the definitive anthology on the subject, The Art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present, essayist Phillip Lopate writes, the personal essay “should certainly be celebrated, because it is one of the most approachable and diverting types … [Read more...]
I Do Not Want to Think About Fibromyalgia Everyday
I am realizing today the shift my new writing assignment is forcing me to make with my blog. You see I have tried very hard to make my blog specific to Fibromyalgia, how it affects my life, news and information on Fibromyalgia, etc., but I am realizing that there is a reason I have not been writing about Fibromyalgia everyday. Mainly it is because I do not want to THINK about Fibromyalgia everyday. When I got up this morning my first thought wasn't "I wonder what new and exciting thing happened in the world of Fibromyalgia overnight." No, it was more along the lines of "Mmmm, coffee." and … [Read more...]
Viva la Vida
Do you ever feel that you are on the verge of something real, something good? Do you ever feel that despite all you are suffering with, or maybe because of it, that you are on the precipice of something deeper than you could have imagined, and that all you have gone through has brought you to this moment, to this time, and that everything is exactly how it is supposed to be? I feel that way right now. It started with my blog, which forced me to open up about the fact that I have Fibromyalgia, and about how very hard it is to manage my life sometimes. I feel like I have finally come clean, … [Read more...]