What's that? You have never heard of Free Lunch Fridays? Well then you need to meet my sister, because she is so awesome and loving, and she would totally invite you to come! My sister lives about an hour away from me, but a few months ago she accepted this really great job just a few miles from my house. Ever since she started working there, we have made the effort to have lunch together at least once a week. Okay, so our lunch date is not always on Friday, but it is always fabulous! We laugh and gossip and complain and sympathize and share and laugh some more. Even though we text and … [Read more...]
Things I Love #4: Alltop
Yeah! I am now a featured Fibromyalgia blog on Alltop (note the lovely badge on my sidebar). Alltop is an "online magazine rack" which features all of the best blogs and websites on an infinite number of subjects. Fibromyalgia Haven is now listed on the "All the top Fibromyalgia news" page. It is gratifying to know that my ranting and raving has not turned everyone away. They said so, not me. Thanks for the acknowledgment Alltop! … [Read more...]
You Do Not Need to Have Fibromyalgia to be My Friend
You do not need to have Fibromyalgia to be my friend, you only need to have compassion. You do not need to have Fibromyalgia to understand me, it is okay if we are different. You do not need to have Fibromyalgia to sympathize with my pain, but I do ask that you have patience. You do not need to have Fibromyalgia to walk beside me, but you may need to learn a new pace. You do not need to have Fibromyalgia to be my friend, real friendship knows no boundaries. Tara & Bella couldn't be more different, and yet their friendship couldn't be more real. Watch this video about them. It will … [Read more...]
Game Day
Not everyone was excited to see the Chargers defeat the Colts on Saturday. This is how (left to right) Finley, Monty and Casey spent the game. … [Read more...]
Score One For the Support Group
It did not take long for my moderator responsibilities for the Fibromyalgia support group to get interesting. This past weekend one member showed her ambition and several others showed their displeasure. I organized the support group through an online social networking site. They are masters at making it easy and organized to start your own group. Before this weekend, the only requirement to join my group was to live locally and be suffering from Fibromyalgia and/or chronic pain/illness. Of the 23 members, 22 joined because they were genuinely looking for information, coping skills, community … [Read more...]